2023-11-14 20:38  浏览:31
主要功能特点:        用于测量汽车排放废气中的HC、CO、CO2及O2气体浓度,自动计算显示空燃比λ,可对发动机燃烧性能及排放污染情况进行综合检测。采用国外先进技术,进口关键零部件组装而成。具有高亮度数码显示,自动校零,自动数据线性化处理,气路阻塞时自动报警,故障时自动诊断所在单元,打印测试之日期、时间功能,配内置打印机(或模拟输出接口或RS-232A数字串行通信接口),可进行自由怠速和双怠速测量,具有操作方便,测量数据准确,工作稳定可靠等特点。   主要技术参数: 测量范围           HC:0~10000×10-6(ppm)vol    CO:0~10×10-2(%)vol                   CO2:0~20×10-2(%)vol           O2: 0~25×10-2(%)vol                   λ:0.5~1.5                     COcor:0~10×10-2(%)vol 示值误差           HC±12 ×10-6(ppm)vol(误差)或±5%(相对误差)                   CO±0.06×10-2(%)vol    (误差)或±5%(相对误差)                   CO2 ±0.5×10-2(%)vol    (误差)或±5%(相对误差)                   O±0.1 ×10-2(%)vol    (误差)或±5%(相对误差) 重复性             重复误差≤±2% 稳定性             自动校零,量矩漂移≤±3% 分辨率             HC:1×10-6(ppm)vol   CO: 0.01×10-2(%)vol                    CO2: 0.1×10-2(%)vol    O2: 0.01×10-2(%)vol    λ:0.01 响应时间           95%响应不大于10秒 预热时间           8min(可预热3min应急检测) 输出方式           数字直读显示,可附打印机打印气体名称,按照国家标准浓度平均值及浓度                   大值,测试时间、日期等。可附接口与计算机联网。 环境条件           温度0~40℃,相对湿度≤90% 电源               AC100-240V 50Hz 或DC12V(选加电源逆变器)消耗功率50VA 外形尺寸           420mm(长)×310mm(宽)×170mm(高) 重量               约9kg Main Features: Used to measure vehicle emissions of HC, CO, CO2 and O2 gas concentrations, automatic calculation shows that air-fuel ratio λ, can be the engine combustion performance and emissions of pollution in a comprehensive test. Use of advanced foreign technology, import the key components assembled. With a high-brightness digital display, automatic zero, linear automatic data processing, auto-alarm when the gas line blocking, fault diagnosis where the unit automatically and print testing date, time functions, with built-in printer (or the analog output interface or RS -232A digital serial communication interface), can be freely idling and dual idling measure, with convenient operation, accurate measurement data, work stable and reliable characteristics. Main technical parameters: Test Scope:HC:0~10000×10-6(ppm)vol     CO:0~10×10-2(%)vol CO2:0~20×10-2(%)vol            O2:0~25×10-2(%)vol λ:0.5~1.5                      COcor:0~10×10-2(%)vol Shows the value error:HC ± 12×10-6(ppm)vol (absolute error)or± 5% (relative error) CO± 0.06×10-2(%) vol   (absolute error)or± 5% (relative error) CO2 ±0.5×10-2 (%) vol   (absolute error)or± 5% (relative error) O±0.1×10-2(%) vol    (absolute error)or± 5% (relative error) Stability:Automatic zero, volume moments drift ≤ ± 3% Repeatability:Repeat error ≤ ± 2% Resolution:HC:1×10-6(ppm)vol   CO:0.01×10-2(%) vol CO2:0.1×10-2(%) vol     O2:0.01×10-2(%) vol     λ:0.01 Response Time:95% of the response to no more than 10 seconds Warm-up Time:8 min(May the preheating 3min urgent examination) Output Mode:Digital direct-reading show that gases can be attached printer name, in accordance with national standard concentration and concentration of the average maximum test time, date, etc.. Can be attached to interface with the computer network Environmental conditions:Temperature 0 ~ 40 ℃, relative humidity ≤ 90% Power:AC100-240V  50Hz or DC12V (select plus power inverter) Power consumption 50VA Dimensions:420mm (length) × 310mm (width) × 170mm (H) Weight:about 9kg
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